Monday, November 12, 2007

Won't Get Fooled Again

Well, it's been nearly 2.5 months since I last posted anything here. Far too long. So I will shotgun post a bunch of musings

Won't Get Fooled Again
I grew up with The Who. I still love their music -- it's the soundtrack to my life. Last week I caught part of a special on VH1(?) about The Who. As I watched and listened to the music of my youth, I realized that Grunge music -- made popular by Nirvana, etc. out of the Seattle, WA area -- was merely a rehashing of The Who. The Who wrote music of youthful rebellion against life in industrial regions of southern UK. But at least it come across as whiny and self-absorbed as Nirvana sounded. "Oooh, pay attention to me because I'm a disaffected youth." At least Pete Townsend, et al were dealing with the real economic and social concerns of their youth. Any.... just my opinion.

What a difficult situation! Radical islamists (Wahhabists and the like) on one hand and loosing your power to a group reformers who can only agree on their opposition to Pervez Musharraf. And what does the winner get? Control over about 50 nuclear weapons! That's right, I said nukes! I'm almost of a mind to recommend that the USA go in and take control of the nukes until the situation is decided. I tend to want to support Benazir Bhutto. She seems to have a plan (of sorts). And she also seems to be tough enough to stand up to the islamists.

Recommended Reading
I recently bought the audiobook version of Dallas Willard's The Divine Conspiracy. What a great book! It has truly changed some of my perspective on my faith and what salvation is -- the ability to live with God now! It largely came about from an explanation of the usage of the term Heaven. The original Greek term heaven means, basically, everything from the dirt up -- so to speak. The air we breathe, the sky the birds and airplanes fly through, and the inky black of space filled with stars and wonder. I don't want to give everything away, but salvation and heaven don't begin at our deaths -- we can have them now. But don't take my word for it, read the book!

That's all I have for right now. I hope to post some more in the near future. At least I hope it won't take me another 2.5 months to post again.

Until then, stay smart!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pakistan is a scary situation.