Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Osama bin Laden -- TU?

It seems that the francophone intelligence community thinks Osama bin Laden may be dead. Supposedly, a classified briefing given to the King of Saudi Arabia says that OBL died of typhoid earlier this month. Wouldn't that be nice? Personally, I'd like to see him in chains being lead away to an execution chamber, though.

While there has been no corroboration of this story, the author of the story (linked above) -- Mr. Robert Fox -- thinks Osama's death would spell the end of the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). And it just might. After all, Osama is a man of wealth and charisma. And few organizations with these types of leaders have survived their leader's death. There will always be disaffected youth who will rise up to fight for the cause -- be it militant Islam or the legalization of marijuana. But who out there could step into the empty shoes of OBL?

I find it a bit troubling that the author seems to think that the end of the GWOT would mean:
It will be a blow to the sloganising of the neo-conservatives - and their notion of the "clash of civilisations" - and to the high-flown rhetoric of President Bush and Prime Minister Blair.
Does Mr. Fox think conservatives have nothing better to do than "sloganize" and develop "high-flown rhetoric"? Is organized violence on a global scale merely talk? Even if it were all talk, the end of the GWOT would not relieve the need to continue promoting globalization within the lesser developed regions of the world. After all, these regions are the ones that bring us more than 90% of world terrorism. If globalization could be brought to these areas maybe the GWOT would then be just chatter.

What do you think?

(BTW: T.U. = Tits Up, a military term meaning "dead")

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